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Sacred-Self and Beloved-Other

Just as I believe in the Sacred-Self, I also believe in the Beloved-Other (the "I-Thou" relationship).  I don't think it's necessary to eliminate "otherizing" people we perceive as different from ourselves.  I believe seeing the other as "other" is fine.  If you have embraced your own Sacred-Self, (i.e. if you have been Loved and know that your are Loved, you are a Beloved), then it is within your self-concept to perceive the other as the Beloved Other. 

Now, I know the "if" in "if you have been Loved" is a huge if!  It sometimes seems fewer and fewer people in this world are experiencing unconditional Love in their formative years.  So maybe fewer and fewer people know the Love I'm talking about.  So many people today are trying to re-invent the wheel of Love.  Some who know Love think we need new ideas or teaching about Love.  I don't think we need a newly constructed idea of Love or empathy or tolerance; what we need is a genuine experience of Being Loved.

If you have ever been unconditionally Loved, then you can Love others; the question is can you give Love in ways others can receive it?  Not everyone can do this for everyone because we can't control the receiving.  But each of us who know Love can give Love however genuinely we can as much as we can and some of that will find its way to someone(s) who can receive it.  Love is like seed scattered on all the soils -- some seed will fall on dry ground and be blown away; some will get drowned by swamp or choked by weeds; but some will find fertile soil -- soil suited to the seed.  And who knows, maybe some Love-seeds are suited to dry ground!  And maybe some are just right for swamps!  Whatever your Love-seed, scatter it.  Let it fall where it will.  And let it grow where it will.  If some of your Loving is blown away or choked out, so be it.  Be not so obsessed with outcomes; concern yourself with Loving.  Let those who will receive, receive.  And be grateful that you are Loved.


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