It's one of those days when I want layers of music to accompany my writing. I currently have Dave Brubeck on in the back-ground ( Time Out ), and Cliburn via Grooveshark on my laptop , with Ballad in Blue (featuring Ray Charles ) via the tv in another room! Somehow, all this "layering" has a calming effect. It's as if I have several musical and emotional needs, and in having them all anchored, (even if some more so than others), in these various degrees on listening, my mind is freed to concentrate on my thoughts. Catering to this way of "anchoring" through means that others might find distracting, I find there is also a purging component. It's almost as if the music is a tap for my musical-desires. Without finding some expression, there is too much pressure w/in, making it difficult to do anything. So, allowing part of my mind/heart "express itself" through passive listening to multiple sources, it's as though I've turne...
The Muse's Little Letter: my musings on life's little moments.