Today I am overwhelmed with a feeling and sense of melancholy, even though a very conscious part of me is easily happy. Some inner thread feels wearily weighed down (but refusing to break) with the weight of a grieving world. I so often think of the pre-born babies who have been martyred for existing. When they are annihilated in their mommy's wombs, someone is trying to say "thou shalt not be," or "the world is better if you don't exist." Could there be anything more untrue? Existence is Good. To Be is the first hallmark of God. We are most Godly when we are most purely and trustingly Being. I grieve for these sweet little ones who God loved into existence, even if no-one else would love them. But I rejoice that they are in Heaven w/ the Lord. They do exist. That they do not exist just because they have been martyred is the biggest lie. It is the supreme arrogance to say what or who is not. God says "let the...
The Muse's Little Letter: my musings on life's little moments.