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Showing posts from January, 2012

Together We Sing: Here I Am, Lord!

I love playing for Mass because I love offering myself to the Lord through music (which is an avenue of great, deep, and beautiful intimacy), AND because I love to, at least in some small way, aid others in their worship, in their hearts and minds, and all of us together as Christ's Body, Christ's Bride. One of my favorite experiences in accompanying the Cantor when singing the Psalms is when I hear the congregation respond w/ one voice, one healthy and whole voice.  By "healthy and whole" I don't mean that we don't have our troubles, but that I can hear in the people's voice together an authentic giving of the Self to the Lord.  I can hear individual voices and I can hear the blending of the voices.  I can hear each singer choosing to lift their voice to the Lord.  And when we're at our best, it seems to me to also convey our willingness to do this meeting-the-Lord WITH each other.  Too often I hear critics of Catholic liturgy bemoaning the fact th...